Pacific Title Archives Blog

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Media Asset Manager

WELCOME to the inaugural edition of the Asset Manager, the Pacific Title Archives Alliance Network Newsletter. This will be a monthly newsletter filled with valuable information for you to apply in your business on a regular basis. We are excited to present this to you and look forward to many more editions to share.


Although your elements are under excellent management at Pacific Title Archives, we must be ever mindful that as time goes on, technology changes. Analog and even some digital formats are already obsolete. And even under

Although your elements are under excellent management at Pacific Title Archives, we must be ever mindful that as time goes on, technology changes. Analog and even some digital formats are already obsolete. And even under ideal storage conditions, videotape will age and deteriorate over time. Bottom line; all recordings will suffer from aging and machine format obsolescence. Hence, the warning signs abound. The time to transfer your legacy videotape or audio assets is NOW. If you have the following formats, you need to migrate to newer media formats immediately:

2 “ quad
1 “ Type A

,B, C
1” IVC
1” Sony EV
3/4“ U-matic
1/2” open reel-to-reel
Panasonic MII

Other Formats to Consider:
D-1, 2, or 3
Betacam SP
Consumer formats: VHS, Betamax, 8MM Audio formats: PCM, DAT, DA-88

What Actions should you take at this time?

  1. Immediately review your assets with your Pacific Title Archives Representative
  2. Determine what videotape formats you currently have
  3. Prioritize “at risk” material for immediate transfer
  4. Establish a plan of monetizing your most valuable assets but also allow for all legacy material to be migrated before its too late
  5. Start a regular examination of your archived elements to stay abreast of the changing technology and to keep ahead of obsoleting technologies

In the course of the progressive multi-media development in the film, television and recording industries it has become more and more important to administrate and monetize multimedia contents, inclusive of film, tapes, recording files, pictures, audios and videos. The media asset management process at Pacific Title Archives is designed for us to work in conjunction with the client as a partner in the identification, management and preservation of their media assets for optimal utilization. Here at Pacific Title Archives, the target of the media asset management process is to facilitate an effective and efficient management of multimedia formats and to achieve an economic benefit and competitive advantages for our respective clients.

Media Asset Management Services

Digital Archiving:

The following broad categories of digital asset management systems are offered:

Brand asset management consultative services, with a focus on facilitation of re-purposing the content. Here the content is largely marketing- or sales-related, for example, product imagery, logos, marketing collateral or fonts, to give a few examples.

Library asset management systems, with a focus on storage and retrieval of large amounts of infrequently changing media assets, for example in video or photo archiving. We manage the libraries of large music companies.

Production asset management systems, with a focus on storage, organization and revision control of frequently changing digital assets, for example in digital media production. We provide tape duplication and conversion services, inclusive of analog to digital.

Production asset management systems, with a focus on storage, organization and revision control of frequently changing digital assets, for example in digital media production. We provide tape duplication and conversion services, inclusive of analog to digital.

Digital supply chain services, pushing digital content out to digital retailers (e.g. music, videos and games).

Business Media Storage:

We will assist you in the management of your document storage, providing reports, on-line access and rapid delivery of all business records.

Document Scanning & Imaging:

Pacific Title Archives through its alliance network specializes in providing document management technologies products and services to the film, television and recording industries, as well as business and legal organizations. In addition, we provide a full-service web-based document repository hosted in a highly secure data center facility.